A Career in Massage Therapy
A career in massage therapy is very rewarding and the field is expanding every day! Since more people are discovering the many benefits of getting a massage, the field is rapidly expanding and looking for more qualified masseuses more each day. The best part of the job is that you can either work for yourself or at a doctor's office, chiropractor's office, day spa, massage parlor, fitness center, resort, and major hotel. With so many options, massage therapists have one of the most flexible careers. Plus, you can set up your own hours, do massage therapy as a second job, and even conduct business out of your home. The work of a therapist is very rewarding. Each day, you help people relieve stress, relax, help heal injuries, and alleviate pain in the body. During a session, therapists generally talk to their clients to get to know them better and help them relax. Therapists also claim work hours fly by as they enjoy giving other people pleasure. To become a therapist, education...